The Church of the Village is engaging in a month focused on Pride, communal love and care, and Queer liberation.
On June 4, Pastor Jeff Wells preached a sermon titled, “What My Brother’s Life Taught Me About Pride and Solidarity.” Available on the Church of the Village YouTube channel.
On Sunday, June 11 at 10:30 a.m., Pastor Alexis Lillie will bring attention to the ways systems – that often cause so much harm – can be addressed and redeemed.
On Sunday, June 18 at 10:30 a.m., Melissa D’Andrea, the executive director of PFLAG NYC will be with us to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of PFLAG in our church in 1973. Pastor Jeff Wells will focus on that important history and Melissa and Shelby Hall Denney, our member who leads the PFLAG safe schools program, will be with us to share about the very important work PFLAG continues today.
On Thursday, June 22, at 6 p.m. the Village Preservation society will sponsor another event commemorating PFLAG’s anniversary in the COTV sanctuary. Pastor Jeff Wells will join a panel with Melissa D’Andrea and Clark Wolff Hamel, PFLAG’s director of Educational Programs, to present on PFLAG’s history, evolution, and ongoing crucial work.
On Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25, the Church of the Village will be hosting a silent auction, with items displayed in the sanctuary. Items are donated by local and national LGBTQIA+ persons and allies. This is a hybrid auction, and bids can be made online or onsite (with a QR code).
Then, COTV will do its usual big Pride Sunday celebration on June 25 starting at 10:30 a.m., with our own Riot Mueller preaching. Riot just graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary. And, of course, we will open the sanctuary after worship to provide warm and loving hospitality to marchers. Also, COTV will have our own contingent in the Queer Liberation March. As always, we need volunteers to make this day a success. If you’re able to welcome people into the sanctuary, please email Pastor Alexis and let her know when you’re available.