For Dr. John B. Cobb Jr.
(503) 623-7868, (858) 248-5123
Inspiring the Presidents of China and the US to Save the Planet
Imagine a get-together with President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden. Further imagine that the subject at hand is about how the human family can come together to save the planet.
October 25, 2021 – The author of the invitation is Dr. John B. Cobb Jr, renowned author, philosopher and environmentalist. Now 96, he has written a letter to President Xi and President Biden pleading with them to come together to save the human species from self-destruction. Perhaps Dr. Cobb is the only American who can do this, because he is a rock star in China, visiting frequently with people like, Mr. Jialu Xu, the Vice President of the Chinese Parliament, a friend and fellow philosophy professor. Dr. Cobb has worked with Chinese scholars creating thirty-six “Process Centers” teaching process philosophy, an organic world view, in major universities in China. He is a planetary treasure who has dedicated his life to saving the world through the concept of an ecologic civilization. An unusually loving teacher, he is beloved by his students around the world.
We know that we are inflicting mortal harm on the natural world. A major reason we do not make the needed changes is the failure of China and the United States to work together. The current antagonism between China and the United States is growing, but there are also signs that more positive communication is possible. Will they work as enemies or merely as opponents, who may disagree about many things, but who commit to leading the world in the direction of our survival? Dr. Cobb invites us young and old, from every continent to plead with our world leaders to guide us back from the precipice of disaster, to save the world for his six grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and the children of all species.
Our planetary crisis includes the threat of nuclear weapons as well as environmental destruction. It is important to recognize that every crisis is also an invitation for transformation and growth. Dr. Cobb has invited Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg and other world leaders, as well as people everywhere – you – to visualize and manifest the Presidents of China and the United States coming together on behalf of all species. Please join this remarkable 96-year-old, in this, perhaps the most important event in human history.
ABOUT DR. JOHN COBB: For more than a half century he has worked actively on environmental concerns, is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a transdisciplinary internationally respected icon, was a professor at the Claremont School of Theology from 1958 to 1990 and in 1973 where, with David Griffin, he established the Center for Process Studies. In 2019 the Cobb Institute was founded in order to promote a process-relational worldview and bring about an ecological civilization. He has written over fifty books, including, Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology and For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future, co-authored with Herman Daly.
PLEASE help make Dr. Cobb’s letter and movement go viral. The letter – a message of hope – can be accessed at the following link: He is available for Zoom and phone interviews.